
Moisture - 10,0%


Crude protein - 8,0%


Crude fat - 9,5%


Crude fiber - 1,8%


Starch - 45,9%


Sugar - 16,2%



Bakery products, cookie products and starches

Feed advice

Piglets: up to 20% in the ration
Pigs: up to 25% in the ration
Poultry: 5 – 10% in the ration
Calves and dairy cattle: up to 2 kg per animal per day

Shelf life

Several months in dry conditions


  • Better tasting feed
  • Positive influence on feed intake
  • Easily digestible
  • Energy rich

Additional information

Product group

Raw materials

Delivery options


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Product description

Robiscoflour is a tasty and highly concentrated source of energy that is ideal for early lactation.
Robiscopellets are a highly concentrated source of energy that works perfectly in early lactation. The peak in milk production leads to a negative energy balance while the rumen capacity is insufficient to absorb the required amount of energy. To absorb sufficient energy, it is important for the cow to offer it in a concentrated form. Because of the fine structure, Robiscoflour can be used well in a compact ration. By adding a portion of water, the fine, floury raw materials adhere well to the roughage, preventing selection.

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